A colleague of mine has the most interesting beard. It's not brown, it's not red, it's this ginger mix, and it looks so cool. I was promoting my blog the last few days of work, and I suggested that he order something. We settled on a scarf, with the plan of having the same colours as his beard.
Off I went to Michael's to buy the yarn. I had decided to use two colours of Loops & Threads Woolike yarn, similar to what I with my dad's blanket. While I couldn't find the exact shades I wanted, I got the okay from my colleague to use these.
I stumbled across a solid shell stitch on Pinterest, and memorized the pattern without saving the site I used. I've found what I think is the site, but I've also learned my lesson. I like the stitch, especially because it creates bumps and hollows in the scarf.
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