
Last month, a good friend of mine asked me if I would be interested in making a blanket for an auction. She volunteers with Animatch, and they have a dinner and auction night every year to fund their work. Any excuse to play with yarn is a good one, so I accepted on the condition that I'd be able to gather enough yarn. I put a call out on Facebook for yarn donations. 

After my initial Facebook post two weeks ago, I've received a few large yarn donations. One consisted of many pale yellow skeins, as I had been forewarned by the giver. Looking at what I had, I changed my idea for the blanket. I'm now making two, one is a lacy throw and the other is a corner to corner dog themed blanket.
I've started the throw, but I'm still picking the yarn for the dog houses. I have one more person who wants to donate yarn, so I'll see what colours she gives me before picking the colours for the houses. I think I might play around with the layout of the squares to have the grey corners make a pattern. I don't like what's suggested by Red Heart.


  1. Thank you for posting. It makes me very happy to see what you are doing with my donation. Wonderful initiative.




Hi! I'm Sarah. I've been crocheting since the fall of 2012, when I wanted to make a special present for my then-boyfriend. After that, I was hooked- pun intended.

My yarn stash is ridiculously huge, in my opinion, because people like to gift me the yarn they don't want anymore. I don't say no, because I'm determined to find ways to use all the yarn I have.

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