Stress-busting Crochet

Last week, I dug out the thickest, bulkiest yarn I had in my stash. I have several fluffy skeins that I bought on a whim a few years ago and I finally thought I had found a use for them: finger crocheting!

I started with a fluffy brown yarn, with the idea that I could make a small blanket. I decided to make a round one, because then I won't have the problem of having a long strip with no width to make it a blanket. Right now, I've put it on hold because it's gotten to the point where I need to focus on counting, and I can't do that right now.
So I grabbed another skein of yarn, this time a blue and purple mix. I didn't find it bulky enough straight from the skein, so I used a French knitting loom to create a rope. That took a few days, but it was relaxing.
There's some personal stuff going on in my life, and I needed a way to numb my mind, especially at night before sleeping. I've been known to just fall into a spiral of panic and over thinking when I have nothing to do at night. I can get really attached to ideas, and routine movement is calming.

I finger crocheted the rope into some sort of a bowl. I'm not fully happy with how it turned out, but because the rope is so thick, it's super quick to crochet and recrochet. I might redo it again, for the third time.


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Hi! I'm Sarah. I've been crocheting since the fall of 2012, when I wanted to make a special present for my then-boyfriend. After that, I was hooked- pun intended.

My yarn stash is ridiculously huge, in my opinion, because people like to gift me the yarn they don't want anymore. I don't say no, because I'm determined to find ways to use all the yarn I have.

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